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The tightly woven thread of brotherhood and an unwavring passion for the art of music is what lays the foundation for the symphonic endeavor that is People and Space. Born towards the beginning of 2010, the band has seen several line-up changes and has even played under a side project named "The Chuslas" for the latter half of 2013.


Coming from a diverse musical background, the longest running comrades, Sid, Zak, Atanu & Imti continue their musical expedition by cooking up infectiously groovy tunes, strumming the crowd's heartstrings with their off the top, tongue-in-cheek stage antics and reverberating the stage with their unadulterated devotion for Rock n Roll!

Atanu Chowdhury- Vocals & Rhythm


Trained in eastern classical music from a very early age, Atanu adds a whole new dimension to People and Space. The soulful, caligraphic contours and enchanting flourishes in his vocal techniques exude passion and spirituality. With an innate capacity for melody, Atanu's musical brushstrokes resonate heritage and etch a refined polish to the overall tapestry of the band's sound.

Sid Ahmed-Vocals & Bass


Sid's interminable search for a platform to be able to channel his passion for poetry and share the energy of the human spirit landed him on the roster of the band..


In his vocals, guitar playing and stage antics his punk rock roots resonate strongly adding a rough grit to the band's melodic and groovy sound.

Ziauddin Zakaria- Lead Guitar


After venturing through different genres, Zak finds the perfect blend of musicality in People and Space. With People and Space not only can he incorporate his metal and rock roots but also experiment with the ever-present melodic and euphonious aspect of the group.


According to Zak, Music is the world's only universal language and there is no better feeling than to speak that language with the best of friends and entice hundreds (and someday millions) of people and spacies!

Imtiaz Alam- Drums


Self-taught, fresh, unconventional drum techniques, gut-busting energy and an insaitable thirst for groove is what Imti brings to People and Space.


In addition to his musical chops, Imti's rock-fueled spirit and zany sense of humor binds the quartet together further contributing to the compactness of their sound.

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